Internet. Tecnología. Personas. Desde el 2001.

Ergonomics in Design. Lisbon, Portugal.

Inscriptions open for the 2nd International Seminar Ergonomics in Design.

Where? The old Human Kinectics Faculty, where I got my Ergonomics Degree.
When? May 18th at 9:00am.
Why? To reinforce the links between Ergonomics and Desing.
How much? For free, but sign-up is needed.
Who? The followings speakers were invited:

  • Abel Correia, FMH/UTL, Cruz-Quebrada, Portugal
  • Daniel Thalmann, EPFL VRLAB, Lausana, Suiça
  • Elisangela Pessoa, FMH/UTL, Cruz-Quebrada, Portugal
  • Emília Duarte, IADE, Lisboa, Portugal
  • Francisco Rebelo, FMH/UTL, Cruz-Quebrada, Portugal
  • Gastão Marques, ICT-VR, Portalegre, Portugal
  • José Carvalhais, FMH/UTL, Cruz-Quebrada, Portugal
  • Michael S. Wogalter, Universidade Estadual da Carolina do Norte, EUA.

Vía: IG

Btw, the week before (from May 7th to 9th) OFFF2009 will be celebrating another edition. They´re running out of tickets, but still on time!

Picture of seisdeagostouser

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