Internet. Tecnología. Personas. Desde el 2001.

Airport vehicles: When form follows function

I love watching the activity of these working «Lemmings» when I am waiting for a flight connection at the airport. They just don´t stop working!

And, the more I see of them, the more I think they perfectly fit to this famous statement: «Form follows function«, one of the main principles of Bauhaus´s Design School.

They´re ugly, they look uncomfortable, they don´t leave any space for personal customization and, depending on the country you´re, they look a bit different, adapted to the local context they work with.

But, on the other side, their output is brilliant. They´re machines focused 100% on the activity. All the beautiful stuff has been forgotten. What remains is just for improving the outcome. They´re perfect for the work they´ve been designed for. To me they´re the best example of «just what you need and nothing else».

Sometimes I like to think that one of these days digital products will be like these airport vehicles…

Picture of seisdeagostouser

Un comentario

  1. ¡Me encantan!
    Siempre he pensado en cuantas de estas máquinas diferentes habrá, quién las fabricará y lo caras que serán. Siendo diseños tan específicos y de un número de producción tan bajo, ¡tienen que ser carísimas!

    Por cierto, mira que le he dado vueltas al post del diseño centrado en la actividad :-)))

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