Internet. Tecnología. Personas. Desde el 2001.

Air France gets a new identity

Air France, one of the biggest airlines in the world is about to launch a new identity. Last change was made in 1975. Brandimage (beware, small flash intro) has been the company in charge of this project.

Here´s a brief video explaining a bit more about the changing process (Air France Re-Branded – New Logo Identity):

Personally, I prefer much more the older version. I don´t find a good idea taking out the French flag from the logo… You can have more comments about this change at Brand New.

Vía Isabl (our French correspondent in Spain).

Picture of seisdeagostouser

2 respuestas

  1. estos lo que necesitan es un rebranding absoluto a mi personalmente me han hecho de todo, perdida de equipajes, cancelacion de vuelos… etc. Yo cambiaría el nombre, el logo la marca y si me apuras a toda la directiva jajajajja

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