Internet. Tecnología. Personas. Desde el 2001.

Bye, bye Talgo III

Talgo III, one of the most typical trains in Spain finishes his service today, July 27th, after working for 40 years linking cities all around Europe. His last trip will departure from Guipúzcoa and will arrive to Barcelona city.

Talgo III broke a speed record in 1968 breaking the 200 km/h barrier in Seville. When he was born, it was symbol of luxury. «I came by Talgo» instead of «I came by train», people used to say in the early years of this fabulous train.

The typical silver wagon crossed by a read badge has two possible destinations: A museum in Zaragoza or keep on working on Argentinian cities, where it might be sold.

By the way, Talgo stands for Talgo «Tren Articulado Ligero Goicoechea Oriol«, the two final letters belong to their designers: Alejandro Goicoechea y José Luis Oriol Urigüen, founders of the Talgo company.

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