I know… February isn´t the right time to make a recap of the year but today was the only day I had some free time to organice 2009’s posts and put them somehow in order. And, since I am the cooker here in this blog, I´ve decided to go ahead. Sorry if you don´t like this…
2009’s main objective was to keep the same working level at Seisdeagosto.com, but also start working on a startup and create something new. Well, this became real on September, when we launched Kakoe and Voota. They are still quite young projects, but we´re pretty sure that soon or later will see the end of the tunnel. September was also the month when we moved to Finland, living there for three months (I won´t forget this experience!).
Índica is already 5 years old, with 341 posts and 730 comments. Below this level you´ll find 2009’s greatest hits… Enjoy them!
- Penelope: a discotheque behind a logo
- General Electric Augmented Reality
- Engañar a usuarios con la publicidad [es]
- Educación y tecnología [es]
- La cocina de mis padres: Diseño Emocional y Affordance a partes iguales [es]
- World class collection of crossroads
- Darse de baja de un servicio web: el caso Ventura24 [es]
- Designing for behaviour
- Everybody can design
- Objetos urbanos mal diseñados: El bolardo español [es]
- De mandos a distancia y usabilidad [es]
- MadInspain 2009 Masterclass keynote
- Comunicación vs Broadcasting [es]
- Doing the Interaction Design thing in London
- Visiting the Silicon Roundabout area
- London Tube: The Psychology inside the “Mind the Gap” warning
- Futuristic interfaces
- Voota: Tú tienes la última palabra [es]
- Futuristic city illustrations
- El cinturón de 3 puntos: 50 años salvando vidas [es]
- Kakoe: comenta la tele desde internet [es]
- Interaction Designer in Helsinki (Part 2)
- Helsingfors series I: Arrival
- Helsingfors series II: Doblajes [es]
- Helsingfors Series III: La Paca
- Helsingfors Series IV: Nokian footwear
- Helsingfors Series V: La etapa gris [es]
- Helsingfors Series VI: Viejas glorias [es]
- Helsingfors Series VII: 5 questions to an IxDer
- Helsingfors Series VIII: 5 questions to an IxDer
- Helsingfors Series IX: Diseño no intencionado [es]
- Helsingfors Series X: 7 questions to an IxDer
- Helsingfors Series XI: HELL sinki [es]
- Helsingfors Series XII: 7 questions to an IxDer
- Helsingfors Series XIII: La foto de Helsinki [es]
- Helsingfors Series XIV: diseño de publicidad [es]
- Helsingfors Series XV: 7 questions to an IxDer
- Helsingfors Series XVI: El mundo subterráneo de Helsinki
- Helsingfors Series XVII: Borracheras
- Helsingfors Series XVIII: Cuando la tecnología te hace la vida más fácil [es]
- Touchscreen stencils for gestual interfaces
- Helsingfors Series XIX: El aperitivo. Calidad vs Cantidad
- Helsingfors Series XX: Goodbye Suomi
Regarding 2010, we´re cooking new challenging projects that will be showed here soon. Just need more time to confirm them.
So stay tunned!! Thank you all!
Foto: Ben Pearce
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